ocr: Mail 5 - Mail - 58 - Mail Later kagly port E To: Michael Kane From: Rusty Tucker Subject: Outbox demo Date: 2/10/94 4:26 PM This is a demo message for the Telerinder Pro manual. Rusty Tucker Spider sland Software Spider Island Sottware, 4790 Irvine Boulevard, Irvine CA, 92720,USA Tel:+1 7146 669-9260, Fax: +1 714669-1383 BBS "Spider Island BBS" (Frido:1:103/508): Modem +1 714730-5785(V32ms, up to 14.4K bps ),41714730-02761 (V.Fast up to 28.8K bps ) E-Mail: AppleLink: D4955 e Internet: - rustyt@spiderisland.com - Americauniine : Spiderlsla CompuServe: 73457,2756 -